Mini Million Dollar Facial

Treatment Time: 30 mins


When it comes to skincare, do you know where to start? The Mini Million Dollar Facial is a wondrous treatment that leaves your skin feeling amazing and gives you a great start on your skincare journey.

What does a Mini Million Dollar Facial involve?

All of our facials start with a consultation. We assess your skin and discuss what you want to achieve in order for us to put together the perfect treatment plan. Your skin needs to be properly prepared for the treatment, so we don’t just cleanse it once, we do it twice! We then go through a process of extraction using steam to get rid of pimples, blemishes and blackheads. This is followed by an exfoliation and massage before we move onto the jade lymphatic drainage. This involves rolling a jade stone towards your lymph nodes to promote fluid drainage. Lastly, we use a clay mask to make sure that when we’ve finished your skin feels completely refreshed! No treatment is complete without a full process of moisturisation and the application of SPF.

The Benefits


How does it work?

This luxurious treatment removes those unwanted blemishes and leaves the skin looking brighter thanks to a range of traditional skincare methods, all expertly created into one express treatment. It is amazing for breakouts and is the ideal preparation for the full Million Dollar Facial.

Is it suitable for men too?

Both men and women suffer from the same problems with their skin, so this can be a great treatment for guys as well as girls.

Do I need to get it done regularly?

All treatments are great on their own but to get the best results, you need to keep it up. We recommend a Mini Million Dollar Facial at least once a month for the best results.

Will it irritate my skin?

Post-treatment it is possible to experience a minor breakout due to the toxics in your skin resurfacing, none the less your skill will feel and look clean and revitalised. The Mini Million Dollar Facial works wonders even for those with sensitive skin.

  • You will need to avoid direct contact with the sun for the first two to three days.
  • Wear sunscreen every day after your treatment.
  • Avoid wearing make-up for 72 hours after the treatment.

Shop your After Care


Pamper Boxes

Valentines Couple Up Facial Box


Target ‘GLOW’ Facial Box


Target ‘PURE’ Facial Box


Target ‘REFRESH’ Facial Box


Cleanse & Clear Facial Box


Mini Million Dollar Box
